
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Giant Dreams in the Night

 Night has fallen,

 And in this silent sleep,
the dreams of little boys carry their resting bodies
to lands of giant adventures.

 A wandering ship with flapping sails
where a giant whale lurks beneath the breaking blows of
stormy waves.
An octopus twists and turns and stretches his many legs
as turtles and schools of fish glide by,
shark fins break the surface of the deep.

where are you?
I must travel with you,
in the belly of that whale.

Take me with you!
I am your friend."

 A sudden landing from out of the sea,
and dinosaurs greet the dreaming little man
as he rushes toward a giant...

 with a sling and some rocks.
A little lad stands beside him.

 "Look out for the giant, David!
I have your stones in my hand.
Take one, quickly, 
and shatter the air with your turning round and round that sling.

The giant must come tumbling down!"
 Long sleeping adventures
will wake the man to a powerful hunger for breakfast:
the nourishment of dream giant-conquerors.


for night-time photos.

Below is the original photo.

Next is a photo that has been sharpened,
lightened a little
and the color shifted slightly more blue-toned
(I think I might prefer the original on this one).


And below is a black and white version,
lightened slightly
 and sharpened.


  1. He looks so peaceful that it makes me sleepy.

  2. That was so sweet and I like the photo you chose.

  3. So adorable and peaceful! I love the dream story....I was picturing Levi talking to all of them. I like your new wall paper. Is that something you painted?

  4. Very adorable, I love having him every week in Jr. Church - and he is sure making me a better whale and shark artist! And Only a Boy Named David, he definitely likes to sing that in class too!

  5. Not only are the photos great, but he captions took me on a little journey back to my childhood. It all sort of felt like Wynken, Blynken and Nod somehow.

    Really lovely.


  6. Beautiful pictures! You did a great job! ;)

  7. I love the sleeping boy photos. The are peaceful and sweet. Don't they always look small and sweet while sleeping? I am so glad you linked up and shared that sweet post.

  8. Wow, your pictures are gorgeous and the sweet poem goes perfectly! I wish I'd take more pictures of my kids when they were sleeping. I might sneak in there tonight!

    Best wishes,

  9. Oh how sweet! As a mom of three boys, I really love your your post.

  10. What beautiful pictures, and what a beautiful poem!

  11. Photo is worth a thousand words!

  12. All I think about when they go to bed is 'finally!' You think of poetry... :)
    Following you now!!

  13. That picture is precious. I love what you did to it. I also love your poem. Lovely.

  14. I am loving the picture of the moon! So pretty!


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