
Friday, April 22, 2011

Gypsy Mama's prompt: Hard Love

The Hard Love:

God: Perfection.  Power.  Awesomeness.  Holiness.  Love.

My daughter asked me not long ago, "If God is loving, why doesn't He make everybody believe in Him so nobody would have to go to hell?"

I winced at this question, but it was spoken in sincerity, a true searching for truth.  One cannot deny the seeking heart.  Questions about God are so deep.

I paused, asking God for guidance. 

I picked up her stuffed toy and asked,
"What would you rather have: a real dog or a stuffed dog?"

She thought a moment and said, "A real dog."

"Why?"  I asked again.

"I don't know.  Because it is real and can move around."

"Yes, that's right.  And do you think that because it is real, it has to chose to love you, accept you, obey you?  You have to love it and train it and take care of it, because it needs you.  Do you think God would want creatures that are like stuffed toys, just obeying Him and loving Him because He makes them...or do you think He'd rather us love him and obey Him because we realize and accept His love...even though sometimes love can be hard?  Sometimes He has to show us what is right and it's not always easy.  But He loves us."

Hard love.  It offers heaven while realizing there is a hell.

After all, that is why He died, so that we that we could be spared from it.

Three hours in total darkness, away from God the Father.  He took hell so we could receive His salvation.

The embrace of hard love to give free salvation.

"For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world;
but that the world through Him
might be saved."
John 3:16


  1. What a great post! Love the illustration with her stuffed dog verses real dog. I'm such a mean mom. My kiddos have to settle for the stuffed for now;)

  2. I love that analogy. Stuffed animals cannot God's creatures. Choice is key.

  3. loving the analogy of the stuffed and real dog! so true.

  4. Beautiful!! Wonderful Good Friday message!! :)

  5. This is a beautiful analogy. God gave us the free will to choose to love him. Without being able to choose, it would not really be love.

  6. awesome post. Funny I just had a similiar discussion yesterday with my dgt. Happy Easter.

  7. A wonderful answer to an honest question! Hard the best love! Have a blessed Easter!

    Living for Him, Joan

  8. What a wonderful inspired answer you gave. God could have made us robots but I'm sure glad he didn't.

  9. This is an wonderful answer, the Lord was with you.

  10. God gave you wisdome to answer this question. Thankful He took hell to give us salvation.



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