
Saturday, July 30, 2011


Yesterday I was a little girl out skating on our pond with my Uncle Al.
 The laughter bounced around the chilly air
as I fell and he helped me up.

Yesterday I listened to my cat Happy Face purr on my bed...
as I hugged Big Teddy, my bear that was as big as I.

Yesterday I fell to sleep in the guest room bed with Aunt Rosey 
and cousin Judy...
as she told me stories of riding horses together in heaven someday.

Yesterday my sister raced me home to supper on our bikes,
 and she beat me again.

Yesterday I was 15,..
 and the moment I saw my baby sister born into the world
was one of unspeakable awe and joy.

 Yesterday I held my firstborn nephew in my arms
and felt the amazing love of becoming an aunt.

Yesterday my brother-in-law and sister
uprooted their whole lives to move and start a new job

because they felt God wanted them to buy a piece of land
to spend time with their boys
because their boys are that important to them.

 Yesterday we all were there,
even those of us who had just gotten married
and moved across the country
 to celebrate a graduation.

 Yesterday I saw the grateful, emotion-filled faces of the parents
 who chose to protect their sons from the wrong influences and values;
and guide them through prayer, Bible truths, school, love, laughter, work, church,
and numerous personal sacrifices.

 The people in our lives today...
will become the moments of yesterday tomorrow.

Have a wonderful weekend enjoying the gifts of the present.

And whatsoever ye do,
do it heartily,
as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance:
for ye serve the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:23-24


  1. Thank you, Tonya. Beautifully done. Thank you for sharing your yesterdays, todays and tomorrows. I loved it!! Continued blessings...Mercy

  2. I have chills. Beautifully written and felt!

  3. Wonderfully written, with great photos and inspiring thoughts.

  4. You certainly do have a way with words! What a beautiful tribute to a family well lived and loved.

  5. So beautiful. Thank you. This was perfect for me for many reasons that would take an entire post or two to explain.

    Just know you've touched my heart with this. Again, thank you.


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