
Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Quest for Right Pieces.

The quest for quickness in a puzzle race
May present a quandary to us of slow pace.

 But Grandmom's who are quick and quite adept
Can be equal opponents,
able to keep in step.

 Questioning, quaking,
Violet's unwilling to quit;

 The quiet table boasts a quantity
of queer pieces to fit.

I quote a truth of this quarter-hour's quest:
There's no quibble that time spent together
is, for these Queens, what is best.

the Letter: Q


  1. What a good post! I loved how the poetry and pictures fit together beautifully!!

    Check it out…Q is for Quiet Time
    50 Q&A, Part 4 of 5l
    Your friend,
    Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

  2. Our family LOVES doing puzzles together. It's very bonding, for kids and grandparents alike.


  3. how fun! I need to go buy some puzzles the next time my grandkids are at my house!!

  4. Fun! We love doing puzzles together too. It makes for good family time.

  5. cute pair.

    I used to do that with my siblings. there is a great satisfaction when all the pieces are put together.

    great q post

  6. I quite agree! The size of those puzzle pieces would be just right for me. Love the grandma and granddaughter photos.

  7. Cute "Q" post :) I love puzzles! Haven't done one in forever though...

  8. We gave our youngest grandchildren puzzles for their birthday (they are twins) and the LOVE them!!!

    Wonderful poem and photos!!

  9. Hello.
    What a lovely way to spend quality time together.
    I used to love jigsaw puzzles when I was younger too.
    Great photos!

    Thanks for sharing.

    I'm here:
    Quiet Winds Of The Night

  10. I love jigsaw puzzles to this day! My uncle and I used to always play together when he came to visit. {:-Deb

  11. I love jigsaw puzzles, but I haven't done one in ages. My eyesight is not as good as it once was.

  12. This is quite amazing. Love the pictures and the story and the expressions on each of your faces!

    What a qute link for Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Q".

    Thank you for the smile.



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