
Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Chair for my Porch

Good sturdy chairs are,
for some strange reason,
always a temptation to me at yardsales.

Perhaps it has to do with the numerous
"rescued" chairs that we had growing up,
that teetered, wobbled, and broke under the strains
of my parents delight in hosting game nights
with friends, or with just us kids.
Pictionary, the Dictionary game, Spoons, 
and any other competitive game
often gave our chairs an over-abusive life.

So when I saw this sturdy little thing at a yard sale for a couple dollars,
I fell in love.

 (It was the same yard sale where I got >THIS PIECE< that I already told you about...
 so I was floating on a cloud of yard-sale-happiness that day).

The chair had some obvious problems...
 which may have been why it hadn't sold yet;

but I had the experiment with putty I thought I'd try on it.

 (I explained it in detail in >THIS POST<).

 I added some pieces a little at a time
until I had the broken pieces replaced.
(I also put wood filler to fill in the detailed strip going across the chair
since it had some little chips in it as well).

It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for the enclosed porch.

 I painted the whole thing with Annie Sloan's Paris Grey chalk paint
(it only needed one coat!)
and accented with her Old White.

I then waxed it with Fiddes and Son clear and Rugger wax.

(I hope you aren't getting tired of my use of chalk paint.
It is convenient for me: very quick with not having to prep the wood
before painting,
it doesn't seem to have any fumes or smell at all,
and the quarts that I got have really lasted through a bunch of projects.

I plan on doing a post about what I like and don't like about the paint
in the coming week or two
because I have had so many friends on facebook ask questions.)

 I found a piece of heavy material for the seat at the second hand store for $1
and thought it was perfect for this project.

 So if you're passing by,
come sit a spell and enjoy my new chair.

Linking up to the fun going on over at:


Furniture Feature FridaysFunky Junk's Saturday Nite SpecialKeeping It Simple

A Marvelous Mess


  1. What a magnificent find! Wow! I just love old pieces like that. :-)

    Many blessings,

  2. really great job with the putty! i'm very impressed! and i loved your description of rickety chairs due to game nights! :)

  3. This looks AWESOME! You did a great job filling in the missing parts and the colors are beautiful.

  4. Love it! Miss those fun game nights, although, when you still get together with Dad and Mom, they're still the last ones playing! They never seem to grow old of games!!!

  5. Unbelievable. You are definitely the furniture doctor. And I can't help it. I am jealous of not only the things you can do, but the ideas you can conceive.

    I would never even have been able to picture such a transformation!


  6. Great job fixing with that putty. Kinda makes me want to look for something to give that a try on.

  7. I LOVE the chair and the material you used for the cushion. I there NOTHING you cannot fix? Always amazed - as usual.

  8. Oh MY...fabulous find, BEAUTIFUL re-do!!

    Deborah (happily visiting from

  9. Wow! I can't even tell where you repaired it with that clay! Great job! :) Where would we be w/out our beloved ASCP????? ♥

    xoxo laurie

  10. I use that putty but have never used it like that clever girl. And the green knobs! Oh I love those on that piece. Thx for linking up again. I am a big ole fan!

  11. I am so glad I saw this - found it at Market Monday. I have the sweetest small side table I bought at Goodwill. It has part of one decoration that is missing. I was wondering about doing something like you did. I can't wait to try! Thanks so much for sharing

  12. Thanks, everyone. I was so glad to have found the putty advice from somebody else's blog...just can't remember who. :S But it's the type of thing that's great to know. :) Your comments are so sweet!

  13. Love this chair and what you did with it. Thank you for sharing the putty idea. I have a few pieces that need it!

  14. I love this piece--everyone has somewhere to put that lovely piece. You did such an awesome job of fixing it I am really impressed!

  15. How resourceful of you! Your craft was good, too. It adds such charm to the chair. Love it!


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