
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Free, Self-maintenance Fly Traps.

(I'm linking up to the fun farming stories at

There are some things on a farm
that help the farmer...

 and the livestock, too.

My son would like to show us:
 we have been beckoned to the barn.

His father and he spend many evening minutes

chasing their prey.

Together they are up in the barn,
they are getting dirty,
they are spending time as men...

they are fattening the fly tape keepers.

(I don't think I'll be using that shovel anytime soon.)

The fly tape lines the chippy walls,
like antiquated shabby chick wall decor
(at least, they seem to act that way).

My son has proven to me
that it is inbred in men to be drawn by the thrill of the hunt.


  1. As much as I hate spiders I couldn't stop watching the video. I'll have to show it to my boys.

  2. I hate all the flies on the farm this time of year.

  3. Do you think they'd come get rid of the flies in my barn?

  4. Nice video! i liked it very much..


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