
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

 Christmas cheer at this time of year
As those we love gather far and near.

Festive songs and blinking lights;
cooking, baking, long into the nights;

Little folks stare with big-eyed wonder
At piles of gifts and the tree they're under.

Hurry, the lists must keep pace with the days.
One more now is left, so the calender says.

As I rush with the vacuum and mop in my grip,
I stop in an instant with a smile on my lip.


Peaceful, quiet, lost in his snores:
His slumber makes me giggle,
a funny pause from my chores.

Then I get up from the picture I stooped to snap.
Now back to the tasks, I'll leave him to his nap.

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!!!

Linking up to:


  1. Happy Christmas eve to you!~Ames

  2. The same to you. BTW- I have one very happy little girl! I will email after Christmas.Thank you!

  3. awww. sweet pup!!! made me smile too!

    merry christmas to you and yours!

  4. Merry Christmas Tonya!!!! Love your pictures!

  5. Wish I could be there! Miss you all tons!! Will see you soon Though! Thank you for the package we got it yesterday, Violets sticky hand for Rey made us all laugh! I loved everything and snuck under the tree and opened it before Rey could stop me. I LOVE the sweeter, and the necklace and the box you made and the little snow man!! EVERYTHING, I loved all of it!! Thank you SO much Tuff made my day!

  6. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  7. Great seasonal photos! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  8. Sweet verse, Tonya - and adorable festive, happy...and content...Sorry I missed this on Christmas Eve - but, alas, I was tending to my lists as well. Smiles & Christmas Hugs ~ Robin

  9. Those candy cane pictures are winners! Happy New Year to you.


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