
Monday, February 27, 2012

Faux Vintage Watering Can

If you're part of my blog facebook page,
you know I just posted a link to plants that help filter the air
in your home.

Here is another link that includes some others.  
> Best-air-purifying-plants <

I love plants anyhow,

so knowing that they help clean the air

is an added plus.

 It's good to know for my husband's sake,
 as well:

I think he grows a bit weary of the green, leafy indoor residents...

 encroaching upon every window sill of our house.

 One problem I did have
was watering them

I usually resorted to filling a canning jar
and making numerous trips,
a towel as an accompaniment
for the regular spills I seemed to make with it.

I wanted a vintage watering can,
but the ones I found on Etsy usually had holes in them
or just weren't what I was looking for.

I found one at an antique store I loved,
but the $35 price tag and badly chipping paint
turned me away in disappointment.

 When I found this perfect-sized metal one

 for this price and at this place
 I decided to attempt a faux vintage watering can.

I grabbed some gloves and this half roll of multi-purpose putty

 and set to molding it to cover the embossed Burpee logo.

 I used a bit more to add some character along the spout,

and a little decorative trim across the handle.

( The hanger from a picture was the means of the detailing along it.)

 To give the watering can an old look,
I used this process,
as I did for the plastic pumpkins back in the fall:

2 to 3 parts Paint to one part plaster of Paris.

The amount depends on how thick of a paint one wants.

Stirring it up and looking at the resulting thickness is all that is needed.

 One could add the plaster of Paris right into the color of choice
for the watering can,
but I just used this paint I had already mixed for another project
and then painted the watering can the color I wanted when it was dry.
( Yes, paint mixed with plaster of Paris can be saved for other projects as long as the lid is applied well).

While the paint dried,
I went to the Graphic Fairy website
and found a few images I loved
that would fit the sides of my watering can well.
 After printing them carefully onto tracing paper,
I let the ink dry well,
then cut the images out,
leaving a small border around them for taping purpose.

I taped the image to something I wouldn't mind getting a bit of Mod Podge on,
 and then Mod Podged them quickly,
only brushing over the image once so as not to cause the printer ink to run.

 After a day or two to make sure the watering can was thoroughly dry,
I applied some Mod Podge to the place on the watering can where I wanted my image,

 and carefully tried to rub any air bubbles and wrinkles out.
Obviously, it was impossible for me to get all the wrinkles out,
but I didn't mind this look, so I left it alone.

 I added some flower designs around the images.
 To finish it off,
I painted and then buffed some clear Fiddes and Sons wax
with just a touch of some Rugger brown wax mixed in.

 My watering can is not truly a vintage can,
 But it sure beats a canning jar,
especially since I don't make such a mess with watering anymore.

Happy day to you,
and thank you for stopping in!

Linking up to:
 Keeping it Simple:Motivate me Monday
Betweennapsontheporch.blogspot: Metamorphosis Monday

Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. That is an adorable watering can! Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Your watering can turned out awesome. Thanks for sharing your technique. it looks vintage to me!

  3. It turned out to be really cute! I could almost enjoy watering my plants with that thing!


  4. How sweet is that?! You are so stinking clever my friend! Wishing you a great new week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. Man, that was ALOT of work for a watering can! I most certainly wouldn't have the patience for all that, but it does look so much nicer. I just have a cheap-o plastic thing under my sink. I always forget to use it and use leftover cups of water from the boys. I'd probably use mine more if it was out all the time, like your's will be. You're so creative!!!

  6. Just gorgeous! You are very artistic and talented..........Everything at my place is just plain offense to all the Jane's out there...ha ha LOL!

  7. Very nice! Wish I was good with plants.

  8. I just adore your new watering can. What a fantastic DIY project! I love houseplants too, but you have quite a few more than I do. I love to see the greenery during the winter months.

  9. In a word, "WOW!" Well, maybe two..."Beautiful!"
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  10. I love it! Makes it extra special having that set out in the open. My watering can is very hidden :) LOVE IT!

  11. Great project! I love the little puppy you chose. The flowers add the right touch to finish it off perfectly!


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