
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Pussy Willow's Gift.

When I strolled around the yard searching for something
to place in my watering can,

I came to my black Pussy Willow shrub.

I was late for the pussy willows again this year.
I never seem to remember to pick them while they are still dormant
so I can have the fun of dried pussy willow branches.

Pussy willows need to be picked in February around here,
and I'm afraid
I'm just not thinking much about the coming of spring blossoms
in February.

Pussy Willows are from the willow family,
so they love moist ground
and have roots that spread and search for water,
so one must be careful not to plant them near wells
or water lines.

They also need to be pruned back
or they will quickly become a tree
rather than a bush.

But the thing I love about Pussy Willows,
is what they provide in early spring's first warm days.

As I came to them,
I was overwhelmed with the sound and sight.

The first bees of spring do something to my soul.

They wake me to the reality of spring,
to long hours of work in cold soil,

of warm sun on pale shoulders.
Of muddy hands and dirty fingernails.
 Of brilliant lime-colored grass.

Of newness.

Sometimes when one is tired and cold,
it's easy to fall into a slump of inactivity,
to let the spirit drift in quiet thoughts of lulling dullness.
Of lying cold from fear of change,
of growth,
 of challenge.

But spring comes
and brings renewed vigor,
as if God is pointing to His vast creation
to remind us that
"To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:"
Ecclesiastes 3:1

In this newness of life,
it is as if I can hear Him saying,
"But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness
arise with healing in his wings;..."
Malachi 4:2a

The hum of the honey bee.

It is a good reason to love Pussy Willows.




  1. Lovely photos and words! And the Bible verses fit perfectly, too. Thanks so much for the inspiration! Deb @

  2. What a beautiful post this is. Thanks so much for sharing such an inspirational one. I enjoyed listening to your spring sounds as well.

  3. I LOVE pussy willows. And now I love them a little more.

    Can't believe you were able to capture those bees humming. And I could hear some wonderful crisp, earthy sounds too.

    Great post, just great.


  4. I love pussy willow,I always try and bring some in the house when it first comes out.xx

  5. Great post and beautiful pictures. I'm stopping by a little late from Hip Homeschool moms. I love your blog.

  6. How neat! There are no willows here in the desert. I've seen them once or twice before, in a florist's shop.

    I have bees all over my onion flowers, though!

  7. Great photos! I've never seen the black pussy willow before, fantastic!


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