
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Tail to Tell.

It was dark by the time we'd finished shopping
on that cold and bitter night last winter.

My mom had taken the older two kids out to the car with her groceries
while I was going through the check-out.

When I got outside with Lillie,
I didn't know where the car was parked
as Mom had dropped me and the kids off when we came,
trying to avoid the tenacious wind;
and, of course, my mind had been too preoccupied to ask her.

Her car is terribly similar to about every fourth car in the United States.

I proceeded down a lane,
chattering loudly to my daughter,
"Where, oh where did Grandma go?!"

She usually parks at least 20 cars away from the store
so "we can get some exercise"
so I headed to the back area and proceeded to wander
with my pace turning to a trot,
my chattering song increasing in volume til it was rather a call than a chatter
in an effort to keep the cold out of my mind.

After racing around the parking lot,
I noticed her
parked by the entrance to the store.

She had gone up the lane
while I had gone down another.

Needless to say,
my bulging-eye'd response when her door swung open as she sprung to get Lillie into her car seat
while I packed my groceries into the trunk was,
"Where were you?"
and hers,
"Right here.  Where were you?"

When my Farmer and kids and I went to the Mud Sale Auction

a few weeks back to look for a chicken house,

I saw this:

 and wondered what it is like
when an Amish person gets a new driving horse
and parks at an event like this.

Do they ever have a moment of panic?

 (I think I'd have to sneak a braid into my horse's tail.)


I hope you won't lose your way today.
Remember where you are and why you are here.
And when you do feel alone or lost,
God is but a prayer away.
His faithfulness can calm the troubled heart.

And by all means, 
 try to learn from it.

I shan't go mid-winter parking-lot singing again.


  1. You are so good at seeing the lessons in life.


  2. Just love popping in and reading your blog C:

  3. Ha! this made me laugh...right. OUT. LOUD!
    The Husband and I used to attend the NHRA Winter Nationals (national hot rod assoc.) and we loved to watch the drag-races. (we're not NASCAR FANS so much) But going in excess of 300 miles an hour in 1/4 of a just exhilarating to watch...anyway, When the drag races are in town and you want to get inside to watch, you (like everyone else that is there) park in an open cotton field.
    to find your vehicle you have to be quite creative... people have flags on 10 foot poles sticking out the back of the pick up trucks, beer bottles (or soda cans) upside down on the antenna, ...not me.

    I drive my car...and the key lock comes attached with a "PANIC BUTTON"...

    Have a great week. Loved the picture of the horses.

  4. Haha it always goes like that with grandma's, ma's and daughters!
    Thank you for the nice tail and you sweet comment!

    A big hug


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