
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An Announcement

I have always had a fear.

 I know that to get the good things in life,
sometimes you have to say a little prayer
and then jump in to what needs to be done...

 despite the feelings,
and the knee-knocking view from where you are.

 And when the only thing between you and a nasty fall
is a somewhat nasty place itself,
or at least,
not a very comfortable place...

 the only choice is to get the job done.

 The knowledge that, sometimes, doing what you fear...

 is done for the ones you love,
especially those who love that cherry pie so much,

that makes it worth it.

I hate heights.

 I'm scared to death of them.

A couple feet on a ladder is about all I want to do.

 When we bought our farm
the only way to get the cherries was for me to fly up into the air
and flap my wings.

(Okay, not really,
but that's just about how it felt.)


Yes, I do realize it's probably not too safe...

but what about those cherries?

I am not much of a risky type.
I like for things to stay normal and predictable,
but I want to stretch myself.

 I am going to start a link party.
My good friend Tammy started one a few weeks back
called Rustic Restorations
and it has been fun watching her take that step.
(She's always so helpful with me when I need blogging help, too!)

I've been thinking about it for months now...

but I'm nervous.

I am worried it won't be of interest,
that there are enough of these link parties,
that I should just stay where I am comfortable.

But I don't have time to visit many of you.

The time gets swallowed up with picking cherries
pitting cherries,
 making cherry pie,
and then cleaning up the dishes.

So I thought if I had a party here,
I might get a chance to come visit you
since you'll be leaving your blog address right here.

 I would like that!

But I don't want anybody to feel pressured.

You don't have to join in,
but I'd love for you to.

"Show and Tell"

That's my name for it,
since that was my favorite part of school
(besides art class and recess).

I want to try it here.
I have different categories for the coming weeks,
ones that appeal to my love for all things:
photography, painting, writing, cooking, farming, health,
and life in general.

 Sure, there might be some categories that will be pits.

 But I think I want to give it a try...
and fly up to scary heights.

Next week will be the first link party.

Show and Tell:
Gardens and Parks.

I know not everyone gardens,
but everyone has a favorite place to go to walk,
a favorite place to think.
I'd love to visit your gardens
or favorite place to stroll.

So, if you'd like to join me,
please come back next Wednesday.

That leaves a week to get outside...

if you'd like to give it a try!
(Or you can link up a previous post, if you've already done one).

And I'll be having a giveaway Wednesday for it,
the bird and swirl wooden blocks that are in my header.

I will be trying to post the upcoming categories in my sidebar
(just as soon as I make some cherry pie for the hungry people in this house.)

Linking up to:


  1. I would love to join in! It will make a lovely change to link up something beautiful that I haven't had to sit and make first! Brilliant idea! See you Wednesday, have a lovely week till then...

  2. I think I would feel safer in that bucket then on the 10th rung of a ladder! The cherries look so yummy too. How was the pie?:)
    YAY! What fun! Show and Tell. My gardens are starting to look pretty now--must go weed before Wed. I like that idea. I will love to join in --of course:) Good idea to have a giveaway. I was going to have one on the 10th party. I am still wondering what I want to giveaway:) Oh and thanks for mentioning me and my party too!

  3. oh, i can so identify with how you felt up there in the clouds...i hate heights too. but you look pretty safe and i admire your courage. plus, those cherries are worth it, lol.

  4. oh, i can so identify with how you felt up there in the clouds...i hate heights too. but you look pretty safe and i admire your courage. plus, those cherries are worth it, lol.

  5. Oh Like linky parties... but you're right. Not all parties are for everybody. So I'll link up if I have something. Like you-- I get scared. I get scared to hit the 'publish' button --and think my post isn't worthy of any readers; but people come!

    as to the cherry picker...he he he. That's what it's for right? Pickin' cherries!?
    We've trimmed our trees the same way-- so the mower can get under them.


  6. well, i don't garden nor to i walk in parks (spend most of my days right here at home, and texas in summer is not exactly gardenish). however, i know lots of folks enjoy flower and veggie gardens, so i hope you get lots of joiners. i'll be stopping by.

  7. You look so cute in the bucket! Wish I had a squirt gun and could get you, but that wouldn't be too nice but oh so fun to hear you yelling!! ;)

  8. Great idea!

    Love the pic of you cherry picking!


  9. Picking cherries in a cherry picker! Gosh! That is cool! I love sour cherries! I miss getting a stomach ache from picking them and eating too many!

  10. Great pictures! I look forward to the garden link up. I love seeing other gardens. And the water gun would have been a great idea.


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