
Friday, June 22, 2012

Eight Years: Expectation.

There it is:...

...the future sits inside.

 I had no idea how much I could miss a thing.

How my eyes would long to see such again.

 The new young peach tree grows beside the future site,
soon to be denuded of all sense of greenery

by etching.

The door stands propped ajar:

the entrance.

Air blows in
to effortlessly ease the mother
as she rests upon the existence of our excitement.

The window my Farmer put in at the base of the building:
the exit of the future earnings of eight years of waiting.

 When we moved here eight years ago,
I had no idea it would be this long til I would see them again.

 A dozen tiny embryos,
ovular entities encased in crystalline calcium carbonate.

A generous neighbor bestowed them...

and the broody matron that sits.

The eggsistence
elaborate farming elegance:
the energy of eruption 
now erased
with the enthusiastic endearing of extreme embracement
in the down-mattress engulfment of motherhood.


Let's leave her.
She is sitting on the stuff of hopes and dreams.

Linking up to the Exciting and Enthusiastic:


  1. How wonderful! Good things come to those who can wait.

  2. This is so well-written. I love "eggsistence".

  3. Eggsistence?

    Love it!

    Happy waiting.

  4. What an "eggcellent" piece of VERY creative writing! That moody matron lives in pure luxury! You do as well, don't you!!!

  5. Very egg-sited for you! You are so creative!!

  6. I was extruberantly entertained by this expertly explained editorial of the "Eight years: Expectation." Eventually will be the enjoyment of the eating of the esteemed eggs. Fun reading and pictures.

  7. I loved this! I'm so glad I took the time to go down the entire list from Alphabe-Thursday.
    We, too, have a little house - home to 25 growing chicks. They are still inside, under a heat lamp, as we have had a cool spring here in the northwest, but their outdoor area is waiting - caged above and below to keep them safe from predators in the air and on the ground.
    I think I'll just have to follow your blog!

    1. How fun!!! Thanks so much!! I'll be sure to come by your blog as well! :)

  8. Hello.
    Good things do indeed come to those that wait. Eggs-ellent post! LOL
    Thanks for sharing.

    Emotions Of Poetry


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