
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Color-Stubborn Blindness.

I hope you had a spectacular day yesterday!
July 4th is a day we love to celebrate at our house,
freedom so sacrificially won;
and fireworks are the highlight for the kids, of course.

I told her I would redo her room.

After all,
this was the furniture piece I painted when I was pregnant with her...

 when I didn't know if she was a boy or girl,
but had a strong inkling that she was was a boy.

If you are ever with me,
don't trust my strong inklings...

or my sense of direction, for that matter.

the piece of furniture was a dump-find from an aunt.

It was very helpful and held a good amount of things,
but the doors' hinges had given up
and the drawers had become hostile,
giving me a tug-of-war anytime I decided I needed to open them.


When I found this piece at the second-hand furniture store,
I knew it would work better for what we needed.

And she liked it, too,
which hadn't happened with all the other possibilities I had found on Craigslist.

She's very particular,
this one.
Very definite with her likes and dislikes.

"What color are we going to paint things in your room?"
I asked, a bit timidly.

 "I want one wall bright blue,
one wall pink,
and the ceiling purple,"
she said, without hesitation.

 I knew I was in for some difficulties.

I want to let her be herself, feel like she's picking out the things she loves
for the room she will love.

This is what I have waited for since the day she was born,
planning and creating
"her room"
just the way she'd love it.

But my expectations were just that:

Letting go and letting her be who she is
isn't what I had dreamed of when I had envisioned us creating her room together.

 "It's her room,"
I heard my mother say.

I knew she was right,
but still...

purple ceiling?

I agreed to do the furniture in the colors she wanted.
The walls we'd have to see about later.

Perhaps we could just leave the walls and paint the floor.

I bit my tongue and began working,
per her precise information and decisions.
She wanted horses on the doors,
and picked this horse when I pulled up images on the internet.
He was on a piece of vintage material,
so I printed him up,
scanned him into a program,
enlarged him,
then printed him out, writing with chalk on the backside.
I made another, but reversed the image.

After tracing the picture where I wanted it,
I painted in the lines,
"white horse, purple spots, pink and blue tail and mane,"
yes, ma'am.

As I worked,
I suddenly saw my daughter shining through.

The colors were good together:
fun, vibrant, full of life and energy
and love for simple things.

 It was hard to admit,
but she was right.

Had I done it the way I wanted,
it would have been me,
not her,
and she was so much better for her room.

The horse doors were very hard to open and close.
I hoped a trick I had heard long ago would work:

I broke off a piece of wax from a burned down candle...

and rubbed it on the edge of the door
as well as into the track.

This made them open and close again with ease.

I can't wait to finish the other pieces for her room...

It's going to be a cheerful one!


Thank you to all who linked up last week
for my party


It is fun to get a peek into what you've got going on.

Last week,
the most visited link was 
Emma's husband and son laid beautiful hardwood flooring and,
after years of waiting,
she got some lovely new furniture.
It's always fun to have a long-awaited dream fulfilled, isn't it?

(This was my last link up party).


  1. Thanks for the invite! Love how your girl is so stubborn, yet right at the same time. Well done on your bookshelf, and the horses!

  2. Good for her. Seems like she's got some of your artistic ability!


  3. Great tip! She is colorful! Nice bookcase!

  4. I remember facing a situation just like this when my daughter was about this age. I too thought we were going to have a wonderful collaboration (read: I had a plan all worked out) but her ideas were completely different to mine. I had to face some hard facts about not making everything my way and allowing someone else to have some creative control too, not all, but a fair amount. When this happened between my daughter and I, I was reminded of an incident in my own childhood when my mother made a sweeping promise that I could choose my own wallpaper. Well when we got to the shop she flatly refused the psychedelic colour swirl pattern I chose and instead picked a tiny rosebud pattern...that dealt a serious blow to our relationship and at the age of seven I decided I couldn't trust my mother or take her promises seriously...I got over it eventually, but it taught me a valuable lesson.

  5. That turned out really cute!

    I remember my mother painting my brother's room in a similar manner: one wall was blue, one yellow I think..

  6. Absolutely adorable! She has great taste!!!!



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