
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Simple Hairbows to Pretty Them Up.

My daughters have heads full of a lot of hair,
thick rope hair,

The little barrettes with bows just don't work
in their voluminous masses.

Bumping into a REALLY good sale at A.C.Moore a few months back,
I got some super fun ribbon for a super great deal.

I bought some hair bands that work in my girls' hair
and determined to come up with something to please them
so I wouldn't have to look at two Pippy-Long-Stockings anymore.

Here is what I came up with:

I measured out three pieces of ribbon:
2 different pieces that were 16" each
and 1 piece that was 8".

I fed the 8" piece through the hair band...

and tied it once.
(This piece is just to add a bit of filler to the bow)

Next I slid the two longer pieces together through the hair band,
and prepared to tie work them together over the knot of the first piece by doing this:

I made a loop with one side of the two strings...

and a loop with the other side of the two pieces.

I tied these two loops together
(wrapped them around each other),
making a bow.

 After I had tightened
and straightened,
and got the look I wanted,

I trimmed the excess ribbon,
which wasn't much.

 To secure the bow,
I glued the center fairly well with some stitchless glue.

To keep the ribbon from fraying
(it's important to be sure your ribbon is synthetic for this to work),
I used the flame from a candle and carefully melted the ends.

 (Why is it that little boys suddenly become interested in crafts when a match is lit?).

I made a lot of extra of these to sell at the Christmas craft sales.

 Yes, I start thinking about Christmas in the heat of summer...

a very therapeutic way of keeping sane
when I feel like I am melting.

Yes, I took a lot of pictures.
But the colors...

they were such fun to photograph.

My girls were very happy to have some nice hair bows...

and I thought they would be good for testing how durable the bow bands are:
(that pink one even made it through getting ripped out of her hair by the puppy
and rushed away under a bush.)

But it was rescued, washed,
and replanted...


  1. Such pretty hair bows for such beautiful girls!!!

  2. Those bows are so cute and colorful. How smart of you to figure out a way to make something they can use. (I also love the comment about boys and fire. hehehe)

  3. What a great idea. The bows are really cute and your girls are even more cute!


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