
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cream Crab Soup

I used to buy my fish at the grocery store,
and then I watched a news show about some of the farm-raising facilities 
in Asia.

I found a store nearby that sells only US fish.

I do my fish shopping there since.

There is an in-season produce stand out front,
much of it grown by family
and the rest by local gardeners.

This pup was waiting for his owner
who was busy inside.

Lutz Seafood is a family owned and run business
that began and has been in the family
since 1932.

They sell gulf shrimp
and US crabs.
They make their own crabcakes,
which I think are the best of any in the area,
and at around $2 each,
I like to keep them on hand for an occassional lunch
when I feel some extra pampering to survive my afternoon is needed.

Their shrimp is better priced than the grocery store,
and comes in a choice of sizes from salad to large
with about 5 other choices in between those.

One may purchase them by the pound,
and a five pound box will get a slight discount.

Fresh fish comes to the store on either Wednesday or Thursday
when they head down to shore to pick it up.
It doesn't last long though,
so you have to be there on that day or the next to get some fresh.

The people and service is genuine;
you know the folks there are like the neighbors everybody wants.
I got into a discussion last time I was there with the owner
and he had to stop and show me his most recent catch when he was down fishing...
a beer bottle so covered in barnacles, he had to tell me what it was.

He said the fish he caught were too small to keep,
but he had to keep the bottle.

I like supporting local stores
and this shop is one I  hope will stay for many generations ahead.

The crab meat I purchased at Lutz's was for our anniversary dinner.
My farmer always takes me out for dinner,
but I also like to make a special dinner around our anniversary.

This was my anniversary present for my husband.
I can never go wrong getting him some food treats.

Well, except when I get him something like these:

he may have to hide these or I may help him enjoy his gifts.

The Crab Soup recipe is a family recipe,
from my husband's grandfather's brother's wife.

(Yes, I had to think about that one as I wrote it.)

You may notice in the picture above that I accidentally purchased
Cream of Mushroom soup to put in it.
Don't make that mistake: it is better with the cream of chicken.

Also, be sure to specify that you want back fin meat for your soup.
I forgot to write that on the recipe.

If you make this recipe and taste it,
you will never be the same again...

You will be forever grateful to Great Aunt Ruth.

This is part of my series of 31 days of October blogging:
family/favorite recipes.

Linking up to: Homestead-barn-hop-82 Tempt-my-tummy

Cream Crab Soup

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