
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Easy Roasted Vegetables

Who doesn't love sweet potatoes?

put your hands down.

I don't especially have any kind of fond feelings for the over-sized red/orange vegetable myself.

I have childhood memories of gagging on the things.

Not fond at all.

I think the first time I had any kind of inkling that they might actually be edible
was when I tasted them buried in marshmallows and brown sugar.

But then, there isn't too much that wouldn't be edible in that condition...
well, except pickles,
or beef tongue,
or fish.

All right; I admit that marshmallows aren't really the cure-all for everything.

Sweet potatoes are another one of those
"so nutritious you'll live 100 more years if you eat them" foods,
or something like that.

this is what the sweet potato provides the best of:

Sweet Potato
1.00 cup baked
114.00 grams
102.60 calories
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
vitamin A21908.52 IU438.276.9excellent
vitamin C22.34 mg37.26.5very good
manganese0.57 mg28.55.0very good
vitamin B60.33 mg16.52.9good
tryptophan0.05 g15.62.7good
potassium541.50 mg15.52.7good
fiber3.76 g15.02.6good
vitamin B51.01 mg10.11.8good
copper0.18 mg9.01.6good
vitamin B31.70 mg8.51.5good
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
excellent DV>=75% OR
Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10%
very good DV>=50% OR
Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5%
good DV>=25% OR
Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5%

 Benefits from the sweet potato come in the form of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and blood sugar-regulating nutrients. 

So when I went into the charity store to pick up their old bread for our pigs to eat
and saw 3 cases of sweet potatoes sitting on the ground for anybody to take
(and very obviously, they were not being taken in any kind of hurry),
I grabbed up a couple hand fulls to try to force my children and husband at home to eat...
and, of course, myself.

I decided to try them using a favorite way of cooking vegetables:
baking them
(I use this same recipe for cooking a variety of vegetables.
This recipe came from a Pampered Chef stoneware cookbook).

I use it to cook asparagus with mushrooms and potatoes,
potatoes with garlic and parmesan cheese,
and as a dish of onion and mushrooms.

It is a great recipe for different vegetable combinations.

So, sweet potatoes were the subject this time.
After pouring a bit of olive oil in the bottom of the cake pan,

I cut up a small onion,

and cut the sweet potatoes
as well as some regular red potatoes
in wedge fry style.

I then collected some spice ideas from various sources online
and came up with one I thought would be most satisfactory to our family.

After coating the fries,
I put them into the oven and cooked them,
stirring once or twice during the cooking of them,
for about 30 minutes til they looked crispy.

They were indeed a hit,
at least for my Farmer and me.

As for the kids,
I didn't see any gagging and there were no marshmallow cover-ups,
so I think it is fair to say it passed...

and when they reach the age of 110,
 they can thank Mr. Sweet Potato for it.

See my other recipes from my 31 days of recipes for October posts.

Linking up to:

Easy Roasted Vegies


  1. That sounds sooo good. I love sweet potatoes! :-)

  2. I actually love sweet potatoes.

    And those look good!


  3. I Love Sweet Potatoes too, but not til a couple of years ago. At get togethers you see more of the sugary, marshmallow sweet potatoes, but I can barely gag those down. Matt and I love to eat them real simple. I cut them in half length wise. Lay them right on the oven rack, cut side up(you may want to put foil under them) and bake in a fairly hot oven until you stab them and they are done. (about 30 minutes). Then take them out and eat with butter slathered on top. They have their own sweetness and the butter's saltiness compliments that. We eat with everything, even cheeseburgers. Anyway. Too bad you got to them at the mission store and I missed them. :(

  4. I Love Sweet Potatoes too, but not til a couple of years ago. At get togethers you see more of the sugary, marshmallow sweet potatoes, but I can barely gag those down. Matt and I love to eat them real simple. I cut them in half length wise. Lay them right on the oven rack, cut side up(you may want to put foil under them) and bake in a fairly hot oven until you stab them and they are done. (about 30 minutes). Then take them out and eat with butter slathered on top. They have their own sweetness and the butter's saltiness compliments that. We eat with everything, even cheeseburgers. Anyway. Too bad you got to them at the mission store and I missed them. :(


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