
Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Letter V Presents: Violet's Vibrant VII

Because I seem to be making this a week about birthday posts,
and because I would like to participate in
and because I am also participating in 

I present you with:

Violet's Vibrant VII Birthday!

For Violet's birthday number VII,
we had a Venerable Princess Party.
(notice her variation of vivid vestures that SHE voted
as Princess attire for herself:
perhaps an unusual blue Viceroy Butterfly?

Regardless, she is a vision of her own personality in her vibrant choice).

A variety of victuals was spread on the table,
 victorious game valuables,
and various venue supplies.

Victorian Vicereine
made of tiny wooden craft clothespins that we found at the second hand store
had undergone being painted,
dressed in ribbon with pipecleaner arms,
adorned with glitter paint,
and had a hole drilled through the sides of their heads
so that they could become the pendants 
for the vying princess attendants' necklaces.
The valuables would be strung 
(along with a variation of beads)
by the fair maidens themselves
for their VIP craft.

The leftover vanities would find themselves here...

on Violet's school Christmas tree...

to remind us of...

the vibrant Princess party,

(and to provide a useful alternative to their otherwise uncertain fate).

The arriving royalty first bedazzled crowns with a variety of vibrant gem stick-ons.

After some vegetable snacks
and other vital vittles,...

...there was a game of stick the gem
on the Princess's crown.

(Both Grandma's and my sister were valiant in their attendance because of this: 

A very sweet 1 month old Lillie:
the visage of pink princess perfection).

(And because, of course,
the Grandmas just wanted to be at Violet's party.)

The girls then decorated their cupcakes
in vivid hues
(a variable we chose, vacating the need for a cake).

The cupcakes were topped off with a variety and volume of candies,
the amount of which would victimize vermin.

No farmstead birthday party would be valid
without a visit to the barn to view the bovine.

A very vibrant, memorable party was ended


a few vivid moments of the little ladies vivaciously veering,
a visage of valiant vortexes
full of vim and vigor
in a pleasant verdant valley. 


  1. What a fantastic V post! I just LOVE the photo of the little princesses visiting the bovines ~ and dancing ~ priceless! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I loved the old school desk in the last post and this post reminded me of long ago birthday parties when our girls were tiny. :)

  3. What a bevy of veritable princesses!


  4. This birthday party should be given a V for Victory!


  5. that was a veritable V birthday indeed ! Happy belated birthday Violet!

  6. Oh wow you clever lady managed to get LOTS of V in there!! Happy birthday Violet!!!! Looks like a fabulous day!

  7. The party looks like it was wonderful! I loved seeing the princesses twirl.

  8. oh pretty princesses! And I think you did a wonderful job with tying Violet's vibrant visions of V with this week's Alphabe-Thursday meme and Show us your Birthday party links! Very clever use of "V" words throughout!!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  9. I adore this! And I love the name Violet! Thanks for a great read!!

  10. What a magical party! At first I was so enchanted by the stone walls of your house that's all I could think about. Actually I'm still fantasizing about living there. One of my lifelong dreams is to have a stone farmhouse!

    Your attention to detail for this party is incredible. Love the favors, the cake, the games. Our youngest Grand would adore this party. I think I am going to adapt some ideas from you for her June party!

    Thanks for a wonderful vivid and vivacious link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "V".

    I really loVed this post.

    Thanks for the smile and letting us visit.



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