
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reserving the Rights to Untrashable Papers

I'm trying to sort through my craft stuff
and things that I save...
so as to clean out/toss things into the "forever gone and unburdensome file"
(my acceptable name for letting go of my junk/treasures into the trash can)

but some things are just too hard impossible for me to part with...
like my box of home-made cards.

 I have such talented, thoughtful friends
and family.

Each card is a work of art.

A card like this says that time was put into making something...

just for me.

A card like this says
I was thought of...

with thoughts nice enough,

sweet enough to take more than an average amount of time.

Home-made cards remind me of the people who made them...
like my former art teacher...

who has her own very successful blog demonstrating card making
called Thinking Inking.

Home-made cards express the personality of the sender...

like I could have guessed without ever looking inside that
my oldest sister made this one.

And this,

says my friend "Tammy" all over it.

Yes, I know this is from my dear college friend...

Funny how being a college roommate with someone can make you
know how they tick.

She always sends cards that I absolutely love,
like she made them just for me.

And this is my little sister through and through.

How can I part with this...

or this...

or this?

When I look through my old cards, 
admiring the work,
I often get lost reading them,

and sometimes even finding lost goods.

Ooo, now that was fun!
Thankyou, Tammy!

How can I part with this box,
full of the cards that were given at my husband's
"Welcome Home" party
when he returned from Iraq.

And then I find the ones I have made for my husband.

And the ones that he...

has given me.

He always finds the perfect cards for me.

I'm pretty sure he's hiding the fact that he works on the sly for Hallmark
creating cards
and just doesn't want me finding out about his creative side.

How else does he find the cards that he does
that mimic our personal life circumstances the way they do?

I try to return the smiles he gives me,
by creating something just perfect for him.

It's hard work.

But I have to because
running to the card store with 3 kids
and hunting towers of cards for the perfect one
is just not gonna happen.

He told me to share this one with you all.

I wasn't going to because,
I don't want him thinking everything I do is going to end up on here.

I don't want him to think he's blog fodder.

But since he pushed

(well, in a verbal sort of way,)
here it is:
(front of card)

(Inside of card)

(Flap Lifted - Ta-da!)

Now, I thought my Farmer may not always feel exactly this way,
so I made the card a multiple choice type of thing.

Here's the back:

(When opened from the back,
there is this flap)

I think I better get back to the craft room now
and move on to the next shelf to look for 
"unneeded treasures"

(and now you've seen why my craft room isn't getting cleaned).

"As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country."


  1. Oh! I get to be the first to comment. And to tell you that you have some very talented friends and family!! Don't you dare throw those away. I love the idea of the card you made for your husband! So many wonderful ideas.

  2. I scrapbook ( or attempt to) my favorite cards! Then they don't have to be in a box, and you can still read them. :)

  3. I can never throw away the hand made cards, either, or the ones with a really special message, for that matter. I have large boxes of cards people have sent me that I can't seem to part with.

    (As for the card you made, I loved it!)


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks, Michaele. I'll obey and not throw away. :)
    What a FANTASTIC idea, Christy! What a great way to display and preserve all of them. I need to make time to do that! Thank you!! :)
    Thank you, Sue. Glad to know I have so much good company in my saving-cards habit. :)

  6. You definitely shouldn't throw these cards away. They each are a work of art! I am a sentimental fool and have card after card that has been sent to me over the years.

  7. Those are some great cards! I love the one you made for your husband with the old photograph. Thanks for visiting Brambly and taking an interest in it. I'm looking forward to following you and seeing more of your posts. Have a wonderful evening!


  8. I love your blog, and those cards are beautiful! It's nice to meet you. Gail

  9. I have a hard time throwing away cards too! For me, it's more about the words people shared and not so much the design...but they are special! Maybe yours could go in an album or a keepsake box?

    Thanks so much for linking up to my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :)

  10. Those were wonderful special have some good people in your life. I'm like you can't throw anything away, especially the good stuff!

  11. I vote to keep them! Love the monster card! so cute.

  12. Oh Tonya, I have a file full of cards!! Even some of my cards from when I was a kid. When my grandma died last year, I went through everything that she had ever sent to me. She even wrote to me when I was in college. Never throw away the good things that help bring back some wonderful memories! :)


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