
Monday, September 26, 2011

The View on my Monday


 Separate cream from the milk
and make butter.

Teach school.

Wash the apple sauce and grape juice,...


carry to basement and arrange on wall.

Make an apple dessert 
for the Mary Kay party tomorrow.

 Use fresh herbs in the dip for the Mary Kay party tomorrow.

 Clean off the porch where I'm experimenting with home-made chalk paint
so we have somewhere to do the Mary Kay party tomorrow.

(Stay tuned: a giveaway is coming up
and something here is supposed to be involved).

 Pick a bouquet for the porch
for the Mary Kay party tomorrow.

The sun is finally shining.

(note: home-made chalk paint does not come off nails.

I hope the Mary Kay lady doesn't look at my nails tomorrow.)

 Keep these two...

 from hurting each other.

Play "Find-the-missing-shoes"
while I attempt to clean the house...

although sometimes I wonder if Lillie is the only shoe thief around here.

What does the view on your Monday look like?

Linking up to:
Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters


  1. You have just been awarded with the Versatile Blogger Award! Your blog is an inspiration. To find out more about this award check out this post:
    P.S. it's a bit time consider yourself awarded and honored even if you don't have time to do it.

  2. This post is perfect! Mary Kay party how fun! Umm - your nails might be involved however. Is all that canning from this year!?

  3. Wow! I'm exhausted just reading about it!

  4. Wow! What a to-do list! :-)

    I was just talking to my kids this week about homemade butter when we were visiting an 18th century farm/estate! And, I am so impressed with all of your canning!!! Can you please come here and give me some lessons? :-)

    I hope the MaryKay party goes well!

    I couldn't help but chuckle at your comment about keeping the kitty and little one from hurting each other. I have a very distinct memory of our now 13 year old pulling our cat by the tail down the hall. He was only about 2 or 3 at the time. :-)

    Hope you have a great rest of your week!
    Many blessings,

  5. uh, wow!!! how do you do it all?! i want to come eat at your house. : )

  6. Love that blue pottery pitcher!

    And is are all those canned goods really yours???? If so, I am in awe.

    (Actually, I'm in awe anyway...)


  7. Oh my goodness. Wondering how long it took you to can all those fruits and veggies in your cellar. I want to come and learn from you!
    I don't have a cellar or a farm, but you make it look beautiful and a wonderful place to raise a family.
    Thanks for sharing your home. :)

  8. I never did get around to canning this year. I haven't done it before, so I am a little afraid to try, I think. I love the kitty with your little one. I think that she and Gabriel must chat at night while we all sleep and think of ways to lovingly torment the kitties!


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