
Thursday, June 6, 2013


"The three P's for the week."

Yes, I know this post is titled "C".

The three P's refer to my blog name:
I will post about something Pumpkin, meaning something from the farm, garden, you know, growing around here.

Next I will post something Pie, meaning kitchen related: food, kitchen, edible or decorative, etc.

Finally, I will post something Painted, or something I've created with my hands that will involve artistic materials of some type.

So there is the explaination of my subtitle,

So today, because I wanted to join Jenny's blog fun of writing from a certain letter of the alphabet,
I will narrow this attempt even more by posting the three categories and they will start with the letter C.

Are you confused?
 That starts with "C."


The letter "C" for the Pumpkin/Farming category:


My clematis are blooming, or at least these two are.

I love seeing these and forgot that I had decided to plant the 'Red Cardinal' clematis with the white one last summer.

I concede that it was a chipper choice to be made conscious of.


For the Pie Category today: I am talking edible in the kitchen.

Can you see it?

The kids and I have been checking them.

Others have been checking them, too.

Did you know that cows are curious.


Although they are pretty cute, too.

Yes, see.  He's checking out how far along the mulberries are, too.

We're all impatiently checking these countless candy-like clusters of suspended mulberries.

Ripen up, little creatures!


In the painting category,
I have just that to share: painting.

Ceiling panels from the barn roof that blew off in last fall's hurricane...
(okay, so they are roof panels, but I had to get the C in there somehow).

My super-duper-handy-recycling-penny-pinching-cents-smart farmer rehung the old panels on the back side of the shed that was rotting from too much water spray and lack of sunshine.


 I consciously chose to count this creativity-curtailed cause a commanding challenge.
To cut to the chase: 
I chunked the fun painting for chores.

Once that was done, I mixed some of the paint that was left with a bit of left-over black from another project,
added some floor texture,
and clomped on over to another chore that had been calling.

 These ummm....



chippy children climbers that are cantankerous...

for their cutting creases containing chards of chips that cause crying when creeping into feet of children.


If your eyes happen to wander up to the crest of the porch, 
you will notice couch cushions helter-skelter.

Cushion chaos.

Cranky old cushions had seen too much weathering
and then the puppy last fall made certain I would have to recover them this season.

The fading strapping under the cushions became easy teethers for chumpy pup as well.

My clever creative man found this heavy lawn seat type strapping
and is carefully counting the measurements, cutting, creasing, and continuing his countless ways he's come up with cure-all ideas from his comprehensive collection in his many cabins 
(sheds: cabins was all I could come up with)

(maybe man-caves would have been better).


Cushion material has been purchased and curtain call will be coming soon!
(Confidentially, the cushion coverer is mentioning this to coerce herself into the sewing chair.)

And so I leave you,
with a certain sweet photo I cherish of my most current walk with child.

 Joining Jenny's blog party on the letter "C"


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I love clematis! They are so stunning.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. That clematis always makes me stop and stare. It really is an easy and fun one to grow!

  3. Your clematis sure is gorgeous! I LOVE your last photo. Really nice!

    1. Thank you. That last photo is a favorite of mine as well. She seems to always find a way to sneak into my photos, and then later when I look them over, I am glad she did. :)

  4. what a lovely last photo! And the flowers are so pretty! {:-Deb

  5. I love the coloring actually, of those chipped stairs...

    1. Yes, they are so pretty and vintage-farm style, especially with the huge stone one at the bottom. It's hard to paint things when they are that old-looking, but the sliver factor won out over my love for aged things. :)

  6. Replies
    1. Ha! Yes, I'm afraid they have a way of getting to the heart strings. :)

  7. Great post for letter C! And, may I just say those clematis are spectacular!!

  8. nice series of C photos for this week.

  9. Delightful blog....I could C how everything fit together♫ Catching up since I've been on vacay....My C effort:

    1. Thank you. :) I will be catching up on everybody's C posts as well. Sometimes I can't get to them right away either, but I do love it when I get to them. :)

  10. oooh, I've never tried mulberry pie, but I'm sure it would be delicious :D

  11. At first I was curious, can the "P" compromise to the "C". I stand corrected with your clever and complete changing of the consonant.....

    My hands clap at your husbands creativity and hope construction is complete.......

    Congratulations for combining your post with the letter "C"



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