
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pink Blooms, Purple Blooms, and Life.

My gardens have been alive with purple and pink flowers.

Do you see that little pink poking up there?
It is one of my treasures, slow-growing but diligent to come up every year.

It is a hardy orchid.
I have had it for about 5 years now, 
and it finally has a baby next to it.

Bleeding hearts remind me of childhood days at a friend's house.
I loved her mother's bleeding hearts.


That rhododendron was one of the first things I planted when we moved here.
See it around the other side of the tree?

Hardy Gernaniums are a favorite because they seem to rebloom all summer.

These pink with black eyes are Patricia Geranium.

I recently read that although they share the name 'Geranium',
annual and hardy geraniums are not related.
Annual geraniums are actually Pelargoniums.
They don't look alike, but they share the same name:
just a curiosity.

These 'Brookside' geraniums grow large and full so that they actually look like a bush.

Planted with them is a patented specially bred Mountain Bluet.

It's blooms are spectacular.

Another purple that I noticed blooming is my Blue False Indigo.

They usually seem to bloom a bit later than this time, especially with how cool it has been this year,
but these are planted up by the barn where the heat radiates off the cement foundation.

Everything up there seems to be advanced.

The Russian sage up there is much larger than the one I have planted by the house.
I love the smell of crushed Russian sage on the hands.

There is lots of purple blooming in the front flower bed as well.
The dwarf wisteria vine stands tall on its trellis.

The salvia is always buzzing with bees.

These Pink Haze Siberian Iris seem to be much more prolific growers for me than the regular iris.
I think the clay content in our soil is not dry enough for regular iris,
but this one fills out so much, I am able to dig some out of it every year to sell at my plant sale.

Of course, the lilacs were grand this spring, too.

Some of the Miss Kim lilac even made it into the kitchen to lend their fragrance.

Apparently, somebody thought they would be good for more than just a bouquet.

Life with children:
giving new meaning to the garden bouquet vignette.

Linking up to these fun blog parties:


  1. Ah.


    These pictures take me back to East coast gardens...

    These remind me of my old gardens.

    I love what you shared here, Tonya.

    This reminds me so much of the ancient poem...

    Hartwell Homestead
    " He who loves an old house
    will never love in vain;
    For how can any old house
    Used to sun and rain
    To lilac and to Larkspur
    And arching trees above,
    Fail to give its answer
    To the heart that gives it's love."

    1. Oh, how fantastic!!! Thanks so much for sharing, Jenny. You are such a sweet person!

  2. Gorgeous poem Jenny and so apt. Tonya there is plenty of inspiration in your garden too for the contrasting foliage planting. Loved it.

  3. What a wonderful garden! And I love those bleeding hearts.
    Love the geraniums too, because even I can't kill them!


    1. Yes, I love hardy plants...pretty much all I grow. :)

  4. What a fantastic garden, so pretty! Would love for you to share at Simple & Sweet Fridays. New Follower!

    Take Care,

    1. Thank you, Jody. I have been off the computer for a while, but I will try to make your party this week. Thank you for the invite! :)

  5. Thank you, Bess. You are becoming quite the photographer yourself! :)


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