Because I could write endlessly about how amazing my mother is,
on Mother's Day
I sat down and chose just three things
that remind me of her:
1. Vitamin C
Wipe your nose...
my mother will ALWAYS ask,
"Have you taken any vitamin C?"
My mother should be the spokes-person for vitamin C.
She frequently worries me because
a common scene when she is driving is her routing through her purse
trying to find her constant purse companion,
her bottle of vitamin C
so she can down a few with a gulp from her water bottle.
It can be quite unnerving.
a common scene when she is driving is her routing through her purse
trying to find her constant purse companion,
her bottle of vitamin C
so she can down a few with a gulp from her water bottle.
It can be quite unnerving.
But the Vitamin C bottle doesn't just remind me of itself,
it rings of her heart:
Mom has the sincerest love for being healthy
and seeing those she loves be healthy as well,
and seeing those she loves be healthy as well,
and finding the natural means to do so.
I used to get bran muffins,
carrot sticks,
and peanut butter with jelly on wheat bread in my lunch.
Try trading a bran muffin for a twinkie in the school cafeteria.
I love to tease her about this,
but really,
I know she loved me and my future
more than she wanted to gratify my sweet tooth.
She is always reading and learning about health
and applying it.
But she is also always reading and studying to
better herself as a child of God,
and applying that as well.
She is always reading and learning about health
and applying it.
But she is also always reading and studying to
better herself as a child of God,
and applying that as well.
My mother's love is sincere,
not spoiling or gratifying.
She taught me to love truth
because it is more useful and needful
than gratification.
This reached out into so many areas of my life.
Thank you, Mom.
2. Post Cards
I don't get many postcards,
do you?
But I can always count on getting a postcard,
well, the kids can if not myself,
whenever my mom goes away to
If she goes up to visit relatives for a holiday
or on a vacation
there will always be a postcard arriving in the mail.
She wants us to know she's thinking about us,
loves us,
wishes we were there, too.
My mother takes the time to show the people in her life that she cares.
She's a giver
of her time
as well as
her things.
My mom had several "jobs" when I was growing up,
but they were all mainly out of kindness.
She babysat little kids
or babies,
but did not make enough money from it to speak of.
She helped a young woman who got pregnant while unmarried
by babysitting her baby
so that she could have a job and better her circumstances.
We loved that baby like it was our own.
We loved that baby like it was our own.
She helped at a preschool where we attended school
without being paid anything.
She saw that there were things more important than money.
Mom chose to work at a grocery deli for a little while
so that she could have a little extra spending money.
After missing a school program of ours,
she quit the job.
She wasn't going to miss out on her kids' lives.
She was and is always there for us.
Two days after her cancer surgery on her face,
she called up and said she'd go shopping with me,
knowing I needed to get my plant shopping done.
I am torturous to go plant shopping with...
but she was willing to endure:
with a happiness that she always has.
My mom taught me that the people in my life
are more important than anything money could buy.
She taught me that the simple things,
like a postcard,
can be the greatest source of a rich life.
She taught me that the simple things,
like a postcard,
can be the greatest source of a rich life.
Thank you, Mom.
3. The Color:
Figuring out a color to describe my mom is easy.
Anybody who knows my mom
or drives by her house
knows that she loves trees.
She has trees planted everywhere in the yard:
red maples, tulip trees, pine trees, crab apples...
at my plant sale the other day
we had a good laugh when my mom announced her purchase of the day:
12 trees
(my dad has a bad tendency of mowing over trees;
(my dad has a bad tendency of mowing over trees;
let's just say that it's been a life-long
issue between the two of them).
Mom's house is alive with plants.
She has the healthiest house plants of anybody I know.
But it doesn't just end at vegetation.
Mom is a nurturer.
Mom is a nurturer.
I have never met another person that never sits down like she doesn't.
Mom is always doing dishes or sweeping
or making tea.
She never has a pile of laundry to get done,
because she keeps up with it...
except after vacation,
and the washer starts filling up about two minutes after she gets through the door.
because she keeps up with it...
except after vacation,
and the washer starts filling up about two minutes after she gets through the door.
She is always picking up,
straightening up,
making the kids something to eat,
washing my dishes.
And her care follows through with her looks to.
She takes care of herself and always looks beautiful.
My mom has taught me that everything we touch should be
better because we have been there.
Her house and life exude a welcoming
cozy atmosphere.
Thank you, Mom.
I have learned so much from you.
To say that I love you seems an understatement.
To say that I love you seems an understatement.

BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE TO YOUR MOM!! She is a wonderful Child of God!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful woman!
ReplyDelete(No wonder you are such a neat lady...)
I just feel this post dripping with love for your sweet mother! What a special lady you describe here. And you know something I have learned over the years? The apple never falls far from the tree. :). I"m so glad to find you through Playdates and so happy you linked up today! Many blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteYep, you described your mom to the "T". She is a great Lady! I am so thankful to have her as a friend!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou definitely have been blessed with a beautiful, loving mother who walks with the Lord and adores her family! She is sweet and kind to her church family as well!
ReplyDeleteYour Mom is exactly has you say. You left out one thing. When she looks at people you can see the care & love in her eyes!
ReplyDeleteI loved this post!! So sincere! I say she is lucky to have you as her daughter ;)
ReplyDeleteThis really is a neat post. I bet your mom cried a little even. I now know my kids will remember me for always and forever preaching and pushing Airborne. I love postcards and they just aren't sent much anymore. Now we know where you get your green thumb also. Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day!!
ReplyDeleteEloquent and beautiful. How lucky you both are to have one another, and to have such a healthy relationship.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Your mom sounds like an awesome lady!
ReplyDeleteThis was a great post.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Beautiful posting; you are a precious daughter to write so eloquently about your mother--she is proud for sure.
ReplyDeleteYour Mom sounds like the absolute description of a Proverbs 31 woman. And such energy! I wish I had her energy and just kept going to get things done.
ReplyDeleteI loved her nurturing from people to plants. What an example of love she set for you.
Hope you and she had a beautiful Mother's Day.