Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Need Your Opinion

My husband and I have a possible fight scuffle argument issue brewing every Saturday.

don't fret, my Farmer.

Hear me out.

Yes, privacy and limits are important in this blog land of mine.
I respect that.

But this has got to be aired.
Yes, blogging can feel like a world of perfection,
but this...


this cannot be hidden any longer.

Here it is:
I am not allowed to take any piece of this from the bedroom;
and sometimes,


we both want to look at the same section.

Every Saturday we receive our weekly Lancaster Farming Paper.
It is one of the few publications that we pay a subscription to,
and it's a hefty one,
but like the electric bill,
phone bill,
heating bill...

it's in that list of things labeled "necessity"
(well, at least in this household).

My farmer rarely watches television;
I don't get too much of it in myself.
But every Saturday,
as sure as that sun will be setting over yonder in western sky,
we'll plunk down in our bedroom and snatch the sections from the paper.
 This is the section I grab.

Okay, I'll admit, it's not a real fight we go at.
Well, as long as his paper doesn't wander from that table next to the bed.

I've happened to walk away with it before
just to read it over a quiet lunch 
(before children entered the scene.  I no longer know what "quiet lunch" means.)
and learned very quickly that the entertainment of his paper shall never proceed forth out bedroom doors until it has expired with the entrance of the next Saturday copy.

If you think I am kidding about this thing's value,
our neighboring farmer is sure to call my Farmer if,
for some unexplainable reason,
his copy of the Lancaster Farming Paper has not arrived on Saturday.
All is in an uproar if one has received his paper and not the other.

Complaints have been called in to the post office on the rarity of this event
(not by MY Farmer, of course);
But don't let on that I told you these secrets of these farming men.

I don't want to be disbanded from the Lancaster Farming Paper Farmers' Wives' Club.

Yes, the B section has what I want.
It has recipes
and the mailbox market ads
(which is what my Farmer likes to check out: the ads people can list of farming items that they are selling, as well as household goods, puppies, donkeys, horses, and beloved mini horses).
It also has all the up-coming farm auctions.

Last week was the Farm Show in Harrisburg.

The B section was just loaded with wonderful recipes and fun pictures,

I have in this copy the winning recipes for the following:

1. Chocolate Peanut Butter Fluff Cake
(the winning entry over 85 other entrants).

Okay, let me just stop there while I recover from that name.
I'm dieting so this is just supreme torture.


Peanut Butter



2. Apple Blueberry Pie
(the best of 80 entries in the Apple Pie contest)

3. Lemon Poppy Seed Angel Food Cake

I seriously wanted to cry when they said that the 3rd place winner was made by the daughter of the first place winner and was a 
white chocolate raspberry drizzled angel food cake


What is with that?
Who can say the name of that cake and then
post the recipe for us who pay a subscription for things just like this.

Lemon Poppy is fine for those who like lemon poppy
but WHO can resist White chocolates and raspberries.

(Yes, my Farmer heard much complaining coming from my side of the paper.

He was good enough to remind me that I am dieting
and I gave him dagger eyes.)

3. Pineapple Upside Down Cake
(winner over 50 others)

4. Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Brownies
(top entry of 79 others in the children's Hershey's Cocoa Classic Cookie-Brownie-Bar contest.)

So, my question for you is

which of these recipes would you like me to post?
I guarantee you that these are real treasures.
I am willing to share them with you
at great risk to myself.
You see,
I have the paper right here
right now
right on my desk.

It has been stolen away from THAT room.

my Farmer has noticed.

It is only you dear people for which he is showing extra kindness.

I've heard him say several times now,
"I see my B section is still down here.
When are you going to put it back?"

 So, dear friends, if you'd like one of these award-winning recipes,
immediately name your choice
so I can return this paper to it's proper perch before I push it's absence to unacceptable limits.


  1. MMMMM.....I am on a diet too...hate when the hubby has to remind me. ;) I would love the white chocolate raspberry recipe! Chocolate rasp. truffle brownies sound amazing too!

  2. You sample them all and post the best one you like :) Hehehe

  3. Chocolate Peanut Butter Fluff Cake. Although I like Tammys suggestion best. ;)

  4. Chocolate Peanut Butter Fluff Cake sounds wonderful!!!

  5. Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Brownies...with a REALLY close second of the Chocolate Peanut Butter Fluff Cake....pause while I wipe the drool off my chin. :)

  6. Chocolate peanut butter fluff Cake!

  7. I want the angel food cake:! Figures, huh?

    Barring that, I will ask for the apple blueberry pie recipe. I'm actually kinda sick of chocolate just now...a result of my Christmas over-indulgences.


    PS. That paper looks like something worth a little tug-o-war!

  8. Chocolate Peanut Butter Fluff Cake!!!! Sounds so yummy!!!!!

  9. I love angel food cake and I LOVE lemon poppy seed muffins. So a lemon poppy seed angel food cake just sounds heavenly. Plus it's diet proof. If youu don't post it here I'll get it tomorrow! Now I know where you keep it.

  10. You see it turns out that I would be very interested in the winning chocolate cake recipe because I was one of the 84 contestants that didn't win the chocolate cake contest.

    I too am the wife of a farmer however I AM NOT A FARMER. I'll stick with making cakes. (for the farmer.)

  11. This preggo, chocolate craving Mama would love the First one as well. I'll be dieting soon enough. Right now, I MUST EAT CAKE! =D

  12. Thanks everybody for your help. I will post the chosen recipes soon! :)
    And thanks Rosanne for stopping in. It's fantastic to have one of the stars of the show here! :)

  13. Hmmmmmm ... I've never seen this paper before and I've lived here all my life ... seems like we are "neighbors"!


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