
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye, 2011

Joining with the many other bloggers,
I thought I'd go through my archives
and share
 a recap of my "most viewed" posts from

I had great fun beating up my new wooden kitchen counter
to make it look "old".

The final result of the counter
on the base that I painted and waxed
was also the most viewed.

We all must love looking at other people's kitchens
since we spend so much of our lives in them!
>Kitchen Update...continue<

The fun old thermos I found
has held a good amount of arrangements since it's transformation. 

My love for blue canning jars
and this little lamp I made using one...
can be seen here:
>Canning Blue, How I Love Thee.<

This antiques collage
using a basket my sister bought me
and some old kitchen utensils from an aunt...
can be seen by clicking
>My Sister's Keeper<.

The painted plastic pumpkins using home-made chalk paint
was not that long ago.

My painted kitchen trash can
actually made it into the top ten viewed posts.

I thought that was funny,
but I guess we all need lots of trash cans, too!

My Painted Sewing Cabinet from my Grandmother:

And this strange yard sale item that was made into a book display for my kids
still gets a lot of looks,
thanks to Pinterest.

my explanation of how far a can of Annie Sloane's chalk paint goes.
 >How Far Does a Quart of Annie Sloane Paint Go?<

here are just a few others that received the most comments on them:

                                                                                Garden Tour
$5 Gray Cupboard                             From the Back of the Barn


                                                                            For Jake's Sake  


Thank you so much for a fun year of blogging!

A Happy New Year
and God bless in 2012.


  1. This was a fun review. I love them all, but the children's display is my very favorite!

    Happy New Year!!


  2. Tonya, hope you have the best New Year!! Love reading your blog and I am so coming to see you in 2012!!!! Love Ya!

  3. sigh...and this why i like visiting your blog - always creative, wonderful things to look at that is possible to make!

    Thank you for sharing 2011 with us ;)!

  4. You surround yourself with such pretty things. You have quite an artistic eye. Lovely! Happy New Year!

  5. I think I may have visited the kitchen update page a "few" times. Your kitchen redo has been very motivational to me as we currently (as in dh is laying tile now and I am resting from all the painting, etc that I have been doing). Dh even wants to see how much it would cost for our local Amish woodworker to do similar countertops. Still trying to decide how to go about finishing up the cabinets. Primer and color has been done, but I'm a little chicken to go further!!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Happy New Year, may all your dreams come true.

  7. neat projects!

    we just put in a wooden counter top, but I didn't even think about aging it! I suppose it will get aged with all the use it gets :)

    Happy New Year!

  8. Wonderful recap Tonya - Since I'm a relatively newer follower, I missed some of these (and, despite good intentions of some day going through and "catching up" on older posts of blogs I follow, I find I can't even seem to keep caught up with current postings....) I count finding you as one of my many blessings of 2011. Wishing you and your family a wonderful new year overflowing with peace, joy, and indescribable happiness....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. I loved your 2011 review, such wonderful recups! Happy New Year, can't wait to see more from you talented lady.


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